home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- " Vim syntax file
- " Language: PostScript - all Levels, selectable
- " Maintainer: Mike Williams <mrw@netcomuk.co.uk>
- " Filenames: *.ps,*.eps
- " Last Change: 6th June 2000
- " URL: http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~mrw/vim
- "
- " Options Flags:
- " postscr_level - language level to use for highligting (1, 2, or 3)
- " postscr_display - include display PS operators
- " postscr_ghostscript - include GS extensions
- " postscr_fonts - highlight standard font names (a lot for PS 3)
- " postscr_encodings - highlight encoding names (there are a lot)
- " postscr_andornot_binary - highlight and, or, and not as binary operators (not logical)
- "
- " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
- " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
- if version < 600
- syntax clear
- elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
- endif
- " PostScript is case sensitive
- syn case match
- " Keyword characters - all 7-bit ASCII bar PS delimiters and ws
- if version >= 600
- setlocal iskeyword=33-127,^(,^),^<,^>,^[,^],^{,^},^/,^%
- else
- set iskeyword=33-127,^(,^),^<,^>,^[,^],^{,^},^/,^%
- endif
- " Yer trusty old TODO highlghter!
- syn keyword postscrTodo contained TODO
- " Comment
- syn match postscrComment "%.*$" contains=postscrTodo
- " DSC comment start line (NB: defines DSC level, not PS level!)
- syn match postscrDSCComment "^%!PS-Adobe-\d\+\.\d\+\s*.*$"
- " DSC comment line (no check on possible comments - another language!)
- syn match postscrDSCComment "^%%\u\+.*$" contains=@postscrString,@postscrNumber
- " DSC continuation line (no check that previous line is DSC comment)
- syn match postscrDSCComment "^%%+ *.*$" contains=@postscrString,@postscrNumber
- " Names
- syn match postscrName "\k\+"
- " Identifiers
- syn match postscrIdentifierError "/\{1,2}[[:space:]\[\]{}]"me=e-1
- syn match postscrIdentifier "/\{1,2}\k\+" contains=postscrConstant,postscrBoolean,postscrCustConstant
- " Numbers
- syn case ignore
- " In file hex data - usually complete lines
- syn match postscrHex "^[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:][:space:]]*$"
- "syn match postscrHex "\<\x\{2,}\>"
- " Integers
- syn match postscrInteger "\<[+-]\=\d\+\>"
- " Radix
- syn match postscrRadix "\d\+#\x\+\>"
- " Reals - upper and lower case e is allowed
- syn match postscrFloat "[+-]\=\d\+\.\>"
- syn match postscrFloat "[+-]\=\d\+\.\d*\(e[+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
- syn match postscrFloat "[+-]\=\.\d\+\(e[+-]\=\d\+\)\=\>"
- syn match postscrFloat "[+-]\=\d\+e[+-]\=\d\+\>"
- syn cluster postscrNumber contains=postscrInteger,postscrRadix,postscrFloat
- syn case match
- " Escaped characters
- syn match postscrSpecialChar contained "\\[nrtbf\\()]"
- syn match postscrSpecialCharError contained "\\[^nrtbf\\()]"he=e-1
- " Escaped octal characters
- syn match postscrSpecialChar contained "\\\o\{1,3}"
- " Strings
- " ASCII strings
- syn region postscrASCIIString start=+(+ end=+)+ skip=+([^)]*)+ contains=postscrSpecialChar,postscrSpecialCharError
- " Hex strings
- syn match postscrHexCharError contained "[^<>[:xdigit:][:space:]]"
- syn region postscrHexString start=+<\($\|[^<]\)+ end=+>+ contains=postscrHexCharError
- syn match postscrHexString "<>"
- " ASCII85 strings
- syn match postscrASCII85CharError contained "[^<>\~!-uz[:space:]]"
- syn region postscrASCII85String start=+<\~+ end=+\~>+ contains=postscrASCII85CharError
- syn cluster postscrString contains=postscrASCIIString,postscrHexString,postscrASCII85String
- " Set default highlighting to level 2 - most common at the moment
- if !exists("postscr_level")
- let postscr_level = 2
- endif
- " PS level 1 operators - common to all levels (well ...)
- " Stack operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator pop exch dup copy index roll clear count mark cleartomark counttomark
- " Math operators
- syn keyword postscrMathOperator add div idiv mod mul sub abs neg ceiling floor round truncate sqrt atan cos
- syn keyword postscrMathOperator sin exp ln log rand srand rrand
- " Array operators
- syn match postscrOperator "[\[\]{}]"
- syn keyword postscrOperator array length get put getinterval putinterval astore aload copy
- syn keyword postscrRepeat forall
- " Dictionary operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator dict maxlength begin end def load store known where currentdict
- syn keyword postscrOperator countdictstack dictstack cleardictstack internaldict
- syn keyword postscrConstant $error systemdict userdict statusdict errordict
- " String operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator string anchorsearch search token
- " Logic operators
- syn keyword postscrLogicalOperator eq ne ge gt le lt and not or
- if exists("postscr_andornot_binaryop")
- syn keyword postscrBinaryOperator and or not
- else
- syn keyword postscrLogicalOperator and not or
- endif
- syn keyword postscrBinaryOperator xor bitshift
- syn keyword postscrBoolean true false
- " PS Type names
- syn keyword postscrConstant arraytype booleantype conditiontype dicttype filetype fonttype gstatetype
- syn keyword postscrConstant integertype locktype marktype nametype nulltype operatortype
- syn keyword postscrConstant packedarraytype realtype savetype stringtype
- " Control operators
- syn keyword postscrConditional if ifelse
- syn keyword postscrRepeat for repeat loop
- syn keyword postscrOperator exec exit stop stopped countexecstack execstack quit
- syn keyword postscrProcedure start
- " Object operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator type cvlit cvx xcheck executeonly noaccess readonly rcheck wcheck cvi cvn cvr
- syn keyword postscrOperator cvrs cvs
- " File operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator file closefile read write readhexstring writehexstring readstring writestring
- syn keyword postscrOperator bytesavailable flush flushfile resetfile status run currentfile print
- syn keyword postscrOperator stack pstack readline deletefile setfileposition fileposition renamefile
- syn keyword postscrRepeat filenameforall
- syn keyword postscrProcedure = ==
- " VM operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator save restore
- " Misc operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator bind null usertime executive echo realtime
- syn keyword postscrConstant product revision serialnumber version
- syn keyword postscrProcedure prompt
- " GState operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator gsave grestore grestoreall initgraphics setlinewidth setlinecap currentgray
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentlinejoin setmiterlimit currentmiterlimit setdash currentdash setgray
- syn keyword postscrOperator sethsbcolor currenthsbcolor setrgbcolor currentrgbcolor currentlinewidth
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentlinecap setlinejoin setcmykcolor currentcmykcolor
- " Device gstate operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator setscreen currentscreen settransfer currenttransfer setflat currentflat
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentblackgeneration setblackgeneration setundercolorremoval
- syn keyword postscrOperator setcolorscreen currentcolorscreen setcolortransfer currentcolortransfer
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentundercolorremoval
- " Matrix operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator matrix initmatrix identmatrix defaultmatrix currentmatrix setmatrix translate
- syn keyword postscrOperator concat concatmatrix transform dtransform itransform idtransform invertmatrix
- syn keyword postscrOperator scale rotate
- " Path operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator newpath currentpoint moveto rmoveto lineto rlineto arc arcn arcto curveto
- syn keyword postscrOperator closepath flattenpath reversepath strokepath charpath clippath pathbbox
- syn keyword postscrOperator initclip clip eoclip rcurveto
- syn keyword postscrRepeat pathforall
- " Painting operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator erasepage fill eofill stroke image imagemask colorimage
- " Device operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator showpage copypage nulldevice
- " Character operators
- syn keyword postscrProcedure findfont
- syn keyword postscrConstant FontDirectory ISOLatin1Encoding StandardEncoding
- syn keyword postscrOperator definefont scalefont makefont setfont currentfont show ashow
- syn keyword postscrOperator stringwidth kshow setcachedevice
- syn keyword postscrOperator setcharwidth widthshow awidthshow findencoding cshow rootfont setcachedevice2
- " Interpreter operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator vmstatus cachestatus setcachelimit
- " PS constants
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Gray Red Green Blue All None DeviceGray DeviceRGB
- " PS Filters
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ASCIIHexDecode ASCIIHexEncode ASCII85Decode ASCII85Encode LZWDecode
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained RunLengthDecode RunLengthEncode SubFileDecode NullEncode
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained GIFDecode PNGDecode LZWEncode
- " PS JPEG filter dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained DCTEncode DCTDecode Colors HSamples VSamples QuantTables QFactor
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained HuffTables ColorTransform
- " PS CCITT filter dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained CCITTFaxEncode CCITTFaxDecode Uncompressed K EndOfLine
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Columns Rows EndOfBlock Blacks1 DamagedRowsBeforeError
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained EncodedByteAlign
- " PS Form dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained FormType XUID BBox Matrix PaintProc Implementation
- " PS Errors
- syn keyword postscrProcedure handleerror
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained configurationerror dictfull dictstackunderflow dictstackoverflow
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained execstackoverflow interrupt invalidaccess
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained invalidcontext invalidexit invalidfileaccess invalidfont
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained invalidid invalidrestore ioerror limitcheck nocurrentpoint
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained rangecheck stackoverflow stackunderflow syntaxerror timeout
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained typecheck undefined undefinedfilename undefinedresource
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained undefinedresult unmatchedmark unregistered VMerror
- if exists("postscr_fonts")
- " Font names
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Symbol Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Times-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Courier Courier-Oblique Courier-Bold Courier-BoldOblique
- endif
- if exists("postscr_display")
- " Display PS only operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentcontext fork join detach lock monitor condition wait notify yield
- syn keyword postscrOperator viewclip eoviewclip rectviewclip initviewclip viewclippath deviceinfo
- syn keyword postscrOperator sethalftonephase currenthalftonephase wtranslation defineusername
- endif
- " PS Character encoding names
- if exists("postscr_encodings")
- " Common encoding names
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained .notdef
- " Standard and ISO encoding names
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained space exclam quotedbl numbersign dollar percent ampersand quoteright
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained parenleft parenright asterisk plus comma hyphen period slash zero
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained one two three four five six seven eight nine colon semicolon less
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained equal greater question at
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained bracketleft backslash bracketright asciicircum underscore quoteleft
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained braceleft bar braceright asciitilde
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained exclamdown cent sterling fraction yen florin section currency
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained quotesingle quotedblleft guillemotleft guilsinglleft guilsinglright
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained fi fl endash dagger daggerdbl periodcentered paragraph bullet
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained quotesinglbase quotedblbase quotedblright guillemotright ellipsis
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained perthousand questiondown grave acute circumflex tilde macron breve
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained dotaccent dieresis ring cedilla hungarumlaut ogonek caron emdash
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained AE ordfeminine Lslash Oslash OE ordmasculine ae dotlessi lslash
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained oslash oe germandbls
- " The following are valid names, but are used as short procedure names in generated PS!
- " a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- " A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- " Symbol encoding names
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained universal existential suchthat asteriskmath minus
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained congruent Alpha Beta Chi Delta Epsilon Phi Gamma Eta Iota theta1
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Omicron Pi Theta Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon sigma1
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Omega Xi Psi Zeta therefore perpendicular
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained radicalex alpha beta chi delta epsilon phi gamma eta iota phi1
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained kappa lambda mu nu omicron pi theta rho sigma tau upsilon omega1
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Upsilon1 minute lessequal infinity club diamond heart spade
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained arrowboth arrowleft arrowup arrowright arrowdown degree plusminus
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained second greaterequal multiply proportional partialdiff divide
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained notequal equivalence approxequal arrowvertex arrowhorizex
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained aleph Ifraktur Rfraktur weierstrass circlemultiply circleplus
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained emptyset intersection union propersuperset reflexsuperset notsubset
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained propersubset reflexsubset element notelement angle gradient
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained registerserif copyrightserif trademarkserif radical dotmath
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained logicalnot logicaland logicalor arrowdblboth arrowdblleft arrowdblup
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained arrowdblright arrowdbldown omega xi psi zeta similar carriagereturn
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained lozenge angleleft registersans copyrightsans trademarksans summation
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained parenlefttp parenleftex parenleftbt bracketlefttp bracketleftex
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained bracketleftbt bracelefttp braceleftmid braceleftbt braceex euro
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained angleright integral integraltp integralex integralbt parenrighttp
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained parenrightex parenrightbt bracketrighttp bracketrightex
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained bracketrightbt bracerighttp bracerightmid bracerightbt
- " ISO Latin1 encoding names
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained brokenbar copyright registered twosuperior threesuperior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained onesuperior onequarter onehalf threequarters
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring Ccedilla Egrave
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Eth Ntilde Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Ugrave Uacute
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ucircumflex Udieresis Yacute Thorn
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring ccedilla egrave
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained eacute ecircumflex edieresis igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained eth ntilde ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis ugrave uacute
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ucircumflex udieresis yacute thorn ydieresis
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained zcaron exclamsmall Hungarumlautsmall dollaroldstyle dollarsuperior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ampersandsmall Acutesmall parenleftsuperior parenrightsuperior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained twodotenleader onedotenleader zerooldstyle oneoldstyle twooldstyle
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained threeoldstyle fouroldstyle fiveoldstyle sixoldstyle sevenoldstyle
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained eightoldstyle nineoldstyle commasuperior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained threequartersemdash periodsuperior questionsmall asuperior bsuperior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained centsuperior dsuperior esuperior isuperior lsuperior msuperior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained nsuperior osuperior rsuperior ssuperior tsuperior ff ffi ffl
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained parenleftinferior parenrightinferior Circumflexsmall hyphensuperior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Gravesmall Asmall Bsmall Csmall Dsmall Esmall Fsmall Gsmall Hsmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ismall Jsmall Ksmall Lsmall Msmall Nsmall Osmall Psmall Qsmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Rsmall Ssmall Tsmall Usmall Vsmall Wsmall Xsmall Ysmall Zsmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained colonmonetary onefitted rupiah Tildesmall exclamdownsmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained centoldstyle Lslashsmall Scaronsmall Zcaronsmall Dieresissmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Brevesmall Caronsmall Dotaccentsmall Macronsmall figuredash
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained hypheninferior Ogoneksmall Ringsmall Cedillasmall questiondownsmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained oneeighth threeeighths fiveeighths seveneighths onethird twothirds
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained zerosuperior foursuperior fivesuperior sixsuperior sevensuperior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained eightsuperior ninesuperior zeroinferior oneinferior twoinferior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained threeinferior fourinferior fiveinferior sixinferior seveninferior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained eightinferior nineinferior centinferior dollarinferior periodinferior
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained commainferior Agravesmall Aacutesmall Acircumflexsmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Atildesmall Adieresissmall Aringsmall AEsmall Ccedillasmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Egravesmall Eacutesmall Ecircumflexsmall Edieresissmall Igravesmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Iacutesmall Icircumflexsmall Idieresissmall Ethsmall Ntildesmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ogravesmall Oacutesmall Ocircumflexsmall Otildesmall Odieresissmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained OEsmall Oslashsmall Ugravesmall Uacutesmall Ucircumflexsmall
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Udieresissmall Yacutesmall Thornsmall Ydieresissmall Black Bold Book
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Light Medium Regular Roman Semibold
- " Sundry standard and expert encoding names
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained trademark Scaron Ydieresis Zcaron scaron softhyphen overscore
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained graybox Sacute Tcaron Zacute sacute tcaron zacute Aogonek Scedilla
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Zdotaccent aogonek scedilla Lcaron lcaron zdotaccent Racute Abreve
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Lacute Cacute Ccaron Eogonek Ecaron Dcaron Dcroat Nacute Ncaron
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ohungarumlaut Rcaron Uring Uhungarumlaut Tcommaaccent racute abreve
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained lacute cacute ccaron eogonek ecaron dcaron dcroat nacute ncaron
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ohungarumlaut rcaron uring uhungarumlaut tcommaaccent Gbreve
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Idotaccent gbreve blank apple
- endif
- " By default level 3 includes all level 2 operators
- if postscr_level == 2 || postscr_level == 3
- " Dictionary operators
- syn match postscrOperator "\(<<\|>>\)"
- syn keyword postscrOperator undef
- syn keyword postscrConstant globaldict shareddict
- " Device operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator setpagedevice currentpagedevice
- " Path operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator rectclip setbbox uappend ucache upath ustrokepath arct
- " Painting operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator rectfill rectstroke ufill ueofill ustroke
- " Array operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentpacking setpacking packedarray
- " Misc operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator languagelevel
- " Insideness operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator infill ineofill instroke inufill inueofill inustroke
- " GState operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator gstate setgstate currentgstate setcolor
- syn keyword postscrOperator setcolorspace currentcolorspace setstrokeadjust currentstrokeadjust
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentcolor
- " Device gstate operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator sethalftone currenthalftone setoverprint currentoverprint
- syn keyword postscrOperator setcolorrendering currentcolorrendering
- " Character operators
- syn keyword postscrConstant GlobalFontDirectory SharedFontDirectory
- syn keyword postscrOperator glyphshow selectfont
- syn keyword postscrOperator addglyph undefinefont xshow xyshow yshow
- " Pattern operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator makepattern setpattern execform
- " Resource operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator defineresource undefineresource findresource resourcestatus
- syn keyword postscrRepeat resourceforall
- " File operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator filter printobject writeobject setobjectformat currentobjectformat
- " VM operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentshared setshared defineuserobject execuserobject undefineuserobject
- syn keyword postscrOperator gcheck scheck startjob currentglobal setglobal
- syn keyword postscrConstant UserObjects
- " Interpreter operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator setucacheparams setvmthreshold ucachestatus setsystemparams
- syn keyword postscrOperator setuserparams currentuserparams setcacheparams currentcacheparams
- syn keyword postscrOperator currentdevparams setdevparams vmreclaim currentsystemparams
- " PS2 constants
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained DeviceCMYK Pattern Indexed Separation Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained CIEBasedA CIEBasedABC CIEBasedDEF CIEBasedDEFG
- " PS2 $error dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained newerror errorname command errorinfo ostack estack dstack
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained recordstacks binary
- " PS2 Category dictionary
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained DefineResource UndefineResource FindResource ResourceStatus
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ResourceForAll Category InstanceType ResourceFileName
- " PS2 Category names
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Font Encoding Form Pattern ProcSet ColorSpace Halftone
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorRendering Filter ColorSpaceFamily Emulator IODevice
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorRenderingType FMapType FontType FormType HalftoneType
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ImageType PatternType Category Generic
- " PS2 pagedevice dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained PageSize MediaColor MediaWeight MediaType InputAttributes ManualFeed
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained OutputType OutputAttributes NumCopies Collate Duplex Tumble
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Separations HWResolution Margins NegativePrint MirrorPrint
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained CutMedia AdvanceMedia AdvanceDistance ImagingBBox
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Policies Install BeginPage EndPage PolicyNotFound PolicyReport
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ManualSize OutputFaceUp Jog
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Bind BindDetails Booklet BookletDetails CollateDetails
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained DeviceRenderingInfo ExitJamRecovery Fold FoldDetails Laminate
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ManualFeedTimeout Orientation OutputPage
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained PostRenderingEnhance PostRenderingEnhanceDetails
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained PreRenderingEnhance PreRenderingEnhanceDetails
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Signature SlipSheet Staple StapleDetails Trim
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ProofSet REValue PrintQuality ValuesPerColorComponent AntiAlias
- " PS2 PDL resource entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Selector LanguageFamily LanguageVersion
- " PS2 halftone dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained HalftoneType HalftoneName
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained AccurateScreens ActualAngle Xsquare Ysquare AccurateFrequency
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Frequency SpotFunction Angle Width Height Thresholds
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained RedFrequency RedSpotFunction RedAngle RedWidth RedHeight
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained GreenFrequency GreenSpotFunction GreenAngle GreenWidth GreenHeight
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained BlueFrequency BlueSpotFunction BlueAngle BlueWidth BlueHeight
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained GrayFrequency GrayAngle GraySpotFunction GrayWidth GrayHeight
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained GrayThresholds BlueThresholds GreenThresholds RedThresholds
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained TransferFunction
- " PS2 CSR dictionaries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained RangeA DecodeA MatrixA RangeABC DecodeABC MatrixABC BlackPoint
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained RangeLMN DecodeLMN MatrixLMN WhitePoint RangeDEF DecodeDEF RangeHIJ
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained RangeDEFG DecodeDEFG RangeHIJK Table
- " PS2 CRD dictionaries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorRenderingType EncodeLMB EncodeABC RangePQR MatrixPQR
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained AbsoluteColorimetric RelativeColorimetric Saturation Perceptual
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained TransformPQR RenderTable
- " PS2 Pattern dictionary
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained PatternType PaintType TilingType XStep YStep
- " PS2 Image dictionary
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ImageType ImageMatrix MultipleDataSources DataSource
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained BitsPerComponent Decode Interpolate
- " PS2 Font dictionaries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained FontType FontMatrix FontName FontInfo LanguageLevel WMode Encoding
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained UniqueID StrokeWidth Metrics Metrics2 CDevProc CharStrings Private
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained FullName Notice version ItalicAngle isFixedPitch UnderlinePosition
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained FMapType Encoding FDepVector PrefEnc EscChar ShiftOut ShiftIn
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained WeightVector Blend $Blend CIDFontType sfnts CIDSystemInfo CodeMap
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained CMap CIDFontName CIDSystemInfo UIDBase CIDDevProc CIDCount
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained CIDMapOffset FDArray FDBytes GDBytes GlyphData GlyphDictionary
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained SDBytes SubrMapOffset SubrCount BuildGlyph CIDMap FID MIDVector
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Ordering Registry Supplement CMapName CMapVersion UIDOffset
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained SubsVector UnderlineThickness FamilyName FontBBox CurMID
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Weight
- " PS2 User paramters
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxFontItem MinFontCompress MaxUPathItem MaxFormItem MaxPatternItem
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxScreenItem MaxOpStack MaxDictStack MaxExecStack MaxLocalVM
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained VMReclaim VMThreshold
- " PS2 System paramters
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained SystemParamsPassword StartJobPassword BuildTime ByteOrder RealFormat
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxFontCache CurFontCache MaxOutlineCache CurOutlineCache
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxUPathCache CurUPathCache MaxFormCache CurFormCache
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxPatternCache CurPatternCache MaxScreenStorage CurScreenStorage
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxDisplayList CurDisplayList
- " PS2 LZW Filters
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Predictor
- " Paper Size operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator letter lettersmall legal ledger 11x17 a4 a3 a4small b5 note
- " Paper Tray operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator lettertray legaltray ledgertray a3tray a4tray b5tray 11x17tray
- " SCC compatibility operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator sccbatch sccinteractive setsccbatch setsccinteractive
- " Page duplexing operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator duplexmode firstside newsheet setduplexmode settumble tumble
- " Device compatability operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator devdismount devformat devmount devstatus
- syn keyword postscrRepeat devforall
- " Imagesetter compatability operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator accuratescreens checkscreen pagemargin pageparams setaccuratescreens setpage
- syn keyword postscrOperator setpagemargin setpageparams
- " Misc compatability operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator appletalktype buildtime byteorder checkpassword defaulttimeouts diskonline
- syn keyword postscrOperator diskstatus manualfeed manualfeedtimeout margins mirrorprint pagecount
- syn keyword postscrOperator pagestackorder printername processcolors sethardwareiomode setjobtimeout
- syn keyword postscrOperator setpagestockorder setprintername setresolution doprinterrors dostartpage
- syn keyword postscrOperator hardwareiomode initializedisk jobname jobtimeout ramsize realformat resolution
- syn keyword postscrOperator setdefaulttimeouts setdoprinterrors setdostartpage setdosysstart
- syn keyword postscrOperator setuserdiskpercent softwareiomode userdiskpercent waittimeout
- syn keyword postscrOperator setsoftwareiomode dosysstart emulate setmargins setmirrorprint
- endif " PS2 highlighting
- if postscr_level == 3
- " Shading operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator setsmoothness currentsmoothness shfill
- " Clip operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator clipsave cliprestore
- " Pagedevive operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator setpage setpageparams
- " Device gstate operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator findcolorrendering
- " Font operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator composefont
- " PS LL3 Output device resource entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained DeviceN TrappingDetailsType
- " PS LL3 pagdevice dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained DeferredMediaSelection ImageShift InsertSheet LeadingEdge MaxSeparations
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MediaClass MediaPosition OutputDevice PageDeviceName PageOffset ProcessColorModel
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained RollFedMedia SeparationColorNames SeparationOrder Trapping TrappingDetails
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained TraySwitch UseCIEColor
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorantDetails ColorantName ColorantType NeutralDensity TrappingOrder
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorantSetName
- " PS LL3 trapping dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained BlackColorLimit BlackDensityLimit BlackWidth ColorantZoneDetails
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained SlidingTrapLimit StepLimit TrapColorScaling TrapSetName TrapWidth
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ImageResolution ImageToObjectTrapping ImageTrapPlacement
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained StepLimit TrapColorScaling Enabled ImageInternalTrapping
- " PS LL3 filters and entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ReusableStreamDecode CloseSource CloseTarget UnitSize LowBitFirst
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained FlateEncode FlateDecode DecodeParams Intent AsyncRead
- " PS LL3 halftone dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Height2 Width2
- " PS LL3 function dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained FunctionType Domain Range Order BitsPerSample Encode Size C0 C1 N
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Functions Bounds
- " PS LL3 image dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained InterleaveType MaskDict DataDict MaskColor
- " PS LL3 Pattern and shading dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Shading ShadingType Background ColorSpace Coords Extend Function
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained VerticesPerRow BitsPerCoordinate BitsPerFlag
- " PS LL3 image dictionary entries
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained XOrigin YOrigin UnpaintedPath PixelCopy
- " PS LL3 colorrendering procedures
- syn keyword postscrProcedure GetHalftoneName GetPageDeviceName GetSubstituteCRD
- " PS LL3 CIDInit procedures
- syn keyword postscrProcedure beginbfchar beginbfrange begincidchar begincidrange begincmap begincodespacerange
- syn keyword postscrProcedure beginnotdefchar beginnotdefrange beginrearrangedfont beginusematrix
- syn keyword postscrProcedure endbfchar endbfrange endcidchar endcidrange endcmap endcodespacerange
- syn keyword postscrProcedure endnotdefchar endnotdefrange endrearrangedfont endusematrix
- syn keyword postscrProcedure StartData usefont usecmp
- " PS LL3 Trapping procedures
- syn keyword postscrProcedure settrapparams currenttrapparams settrapzone
- " PS LL3 BitmapFontInit procedures
- syn keyword postscrProcedure removeall removeglyphs
- " PS LL3 Font names
- if exists("postscr_fonts")
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained AlbertusMT AlbertusMT-Italic AlbertusMT-Light Apple-Chancery Apple-ChanceryCE
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained AntiqueOlive-Roman AntiqueOlive-Italic AntiqueOlive-Bold AntiqueOlive-Compact
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained AntiqueOliveCE-Roman AntiqueOliveCE-Italic AntiqueOliveCE-Bold AntiqueOliveCE-Compact
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ArialMT Arial-ItalicMT Arial-LightMT Arial-BoldMT Arial-BoldItalicMT
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ArialCE ArialCE-Italic ArialCE-Light ArialCE-Bold ArialCE-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained AvantGarde-Book AvantGarde-BookOblique AvantGarde-Demi AvantGarde-DemiOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained AvantGardeCE-Book AvantGardeCE-BookOblique AvantGardeCE-Demi AvantGardeCE-DemiOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Bodoni Bodoni-Italic Bodoni-Bold Bodoni-BoldItalic Bodoni-Poster Bodoni-PosterCompressed
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained BodoniCE BodoniCE-Italic BodoniCE-Bold BodoniCE-BoldItalic BodoniCE-Poster BodoniCE-PosterCompressed
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Bookman-Light Bookman-LightItalic Bookman-Demi Bookman-DemiItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained BookmanCE-Light BookmanCE-LightItalic BookmanCE-Demi BookmanCE-DemiItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Carta Chicago ChicagoCE Clarendon Clarendon-Light Clarendon-Bold
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ClarendonCE ClarendonCE-Light ClarendonCE-Bold CooperBlack CooperBlack-Italic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Copperplate-ThirtyTwoBC CopperPlate-ThirtyThreeBC Coronet-Regular CoronetCE-Regular
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained CourierCE CourierCE-Oblique CourierCE-Bold CourierCE-BoldOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Eurostile Eurostile-Bold Eurostile-ExtendedTwo Eurostile-BoldExtendedTwo
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Eurostile EurostileCE-Bold EurostileCE-ExtendedTwo EurostileCE-BoldExtendedTwo
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Geneva GenevaCE GillSans GillSans-Italic GillSans-Bold GillSans-BoldItalic GillSans-BoldCondensed
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained GillSans-Light GillSans-LightItalic GillSans-ExtraBold
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained GillSansCE-Roman GillSansCE-Italic GillSansCE-Bold GillSansCE-BoldItalic GillSansCE-BoldCondensed
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained GillSansCE-Light GillSansCE-LightItalic GillSansCE-ExtraBold
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Goudy Goudy-Italic Goudy-Bold Goudy-BoldItalic Goudy-ExtraBould
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained HelveticaCE HelveticaCE-Oblique HelveticaCE-Bold HelveticaCE-BoldOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Helvetica-Condensed Helvetica-Condensed-Oblique Helvetica-Condensed-Bold Helvetica-Condensed-BoldObl
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained HelveticaCE-Condensed HelveticaCE-Condensed-Oblique HelveticaCE-Condensed-Bold
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained HelveticaCE-Condensed-BoldObl Helvetica-Narrow Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique Helvetica-Narrow-Bold
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique HelveticaCE-Narrow HelveticaCE-Narrow-Oblique HelveticaCE-Narrow-Bold
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained HelveticaCE-Narrow-BoldOblique HoeflerText-Regular HoeflerText-Italic HoeflerText-Black
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained HoeflerText-BlackItalic HoeflerText-Ornaments HoeflerTextCE-Regular HoeflerTextCE-Italic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained HoeflerTextCE-Black HoeflerTextCE-BlackItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained JoannaMT JoannaMT-Italic JoannaMT-Bold JoannaMT-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained JoannaMTCE JoannaMTCE-Italic JoannaMTCE-Bold JoannaMTCE-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained LetterGothic LetterGothic-Slanted LetterGothic-Bold LetterGothic-BoldSlanted
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained LetterGothicCE LetterGothicCE-Slanted LetterGothicCE-Bold LetterGothicCE-BoldSlanted
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained LubalinGraph-Book LubalinGraph-BookOblique LubalinGraph-Demi LubalinGraph-DemiOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained LubalinGraphCE-Book LubalinGraphCE-BookOblique LubalinGraphCE-Demi LubalinGraphCE-DemiOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Marigold Monaco MonacoCE MonaLisa-Recut Oxford Symbol Tekton
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained NewCennturySchlbk-Roman NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained NewCenturySchlbkCE-Roman NewCenturySchlbkCE-Italic NewCenturySchlbkCE-Bold
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained NewCenturySchlbkCE-BoldItalic NewYork NewYorkCE
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Optima Optima-Italic Optima-Bold Optima-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained OptimaCE OptimaCE-Italic OptimaCE-Bold OptimaCE-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Palatino-Roman Palatino-Italic Palatino-Bold Palatino-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained PalatinoCE-Roman PalatinoCE-Italic PalatinoCE-Bold PalatinoCE-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained StempelGaramond-Roman StempelGaramond-Italic StempelGaramond-Bold StempelGaramond-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained StempelGaramondCE-Roman StempelGaramondCE-Italic StempelGaramondCE-Bold StempelGaramondCE-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained TimesCE-Roman TimesCE-Italic TimesCE-Bold TimesCE-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained TimesNewRomanPSMT TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained TimesNewRomanCE TimesNewRomanCE-Italic TimesNewRomanCE-Bold TimesNewRomanCE-BoldItalic
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Univers Univers-Oblique Univers-Bold Univers-BoldOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained UniversCE-Medium UniversCE-Oblique UniversCE-Bold UniversCE-BoldOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Univers-Light Univers-LightOblique UniversCE-Light UniversCE-LightOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Univers-Condensed Univers-CondensedOblique Univers-CondensedBold Univers-CondensedBoldOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained UniversCE-Condensed UniversCE-CondensedOblique UniversCE-CondensedBold UniversCE-CondensedBoldOblique
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Univers-Extended Univers-ExtendedObl Univers-BoldExt Univers-BoldExtObl
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained UniversCE-Extended UniversCE-ExtendedObl UniversCE-BoldExt UniversCE-BoldExtObl
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained Wingdings-Regular ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZapfChanceryCE-MediumItalic ZapfDingBats
- endif " Font names
- endif " PS LL3 highlighting
- if exists("postscr_ghostscript")
- " GS gstate operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator .setaccuratecurves .currentaccuratecurves .setclipoutside
- syn keyword postscrOperator .setdashadapt .currentdashadapt .setdefaultmatrix .setdotlength
- syn keyword postscrOperator .currentdotlength .setfilladjust2 .currentfilladjust2
- syn keyword postscrOperator .currentclipoutside .setcurvejoin .currentcurvejoin
- syn keyword postscrOperator .setblendmode .currentblendmode .setopacityalpha .currentopacityalpha .setshapealpha .currentshapealpha
- syn keyword postscrOperator .setlimitclamp .currentlimitclamp .setoverprintmode .currentoverprintmode
- " GS path operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator .dashpath .rectappend
- " GS painting operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator .setrasterop .currentrasterop .setsourcetransparent
- syn keyword postscrOperator .settexturetransparent .currenttexturetransparent
- syn keyword postscrOperator .currentsourcetransparent
- " GS character operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator .charboxpath .type1execchar %Type1BuildChar %Type1BuildGlyph
- " GS mathematical operators
- syn keyword postscrMathOperator arccos arcsin
- " GS dictionary operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator .dicttomark .forceput .forceundef .knownget .setmaxlength
- " GS byte and string operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator .type1encrypt .type1decrypt
- syn keyword postscrOperator .bytestring .namestring .stringmatch
- " GS relational operators (seem like math ones to me!)
- syn keyword postscrMathOperator max min
- " GS file operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator findlibfile unread writeppmfile
- syn keyword postscrOperator .filename .fileposition .peekstring .unread
- " GS vm operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator .forgetsave
- " GS device operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator copydevice .getdevice makeimagedevice makewordimagedevice copyscanlines
- syn keyword postscrOperator setdevice currentdevice getdeviceprops putdeviceprops flushpage
- syn keyword postscrOperator finddevice findprotodevice .getbitsrect
- " GS misc operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator getenv .makeoperator .setdebug .oserrno .oserror .execn
- " GS rendering stack operators
- syn keyword postscrOperator .begintransparencygroup .discardtransparencygroup .endtransparencygroup
- syn keyword postscrOperator .begintransparencymask .discardtransparencymask .endtransparencymask .inittransparencymask
- syn keyword postscrOperator .settextknockout .currenttextknockout
- " GS filters
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained BCPEncode BCPDecode eexecEncode eexecDecode PCXDecode
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained PixelDifferenceEncode PixelDifferenceDecode
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained PNGPredictorDecode TBCPEncode TBCPDecode zlibEncode
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained zlibDecode PNGPredictorEncode PFBDecode
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MD5Encode
- " GS filter keys
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained InitialCodeLength FirstBitLowOrder BlockData DecodedByteAlign
- " GS device parameters
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained BitsPerPixel .HWMargins HWSize Name GrayValues
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ColorValues TextAlphaBits GraphicsAlphaBits BufferSpace
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained OpenOutputFile PageCount BandHeight BandWidth BandBufferSpace
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained ViewerPreProcess GreenValues BlueValues OutputFile
- syn keyword postscrConstant contained MaxBitmap RedValues
- endif " GhostScript highlighting
- " Define the default highlighting.
- " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
- " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
- if version >= 508 || !exists("did_postscr_syntax_inits")
- if version < 508
- let did_postscr_syntax_inits = 1
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
- else
- command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- endif
- HiLink postscrComment Comment
- HiLink postscrConstant Constant
- HiLink postscrString String
- HiLink postscrASCIIString postscrString
- HiLink postscrHexString postscrString
- HiLink postscrASCII85String postscrString
- HiLink postscrNumber Number
- HiLink postscrInteger postscrNumber
- HiLink postscrHex postscrNumber
- HiLink postscrRadix postscrNumber
- HiLink postscrFloat Float
- HiLink postscrBoolean Boolean
- HiLink postscrIdentifier Identifier
- HiLink postscrProcedure Function
- HiLink postscrName Statement
- HiLink postscrConditional Conditional
- HiLink postscrRepeat Repeat
- HiLink postscrOperator Operator
- HiLink postscrMathOperator postscrOperator
- HiLink postscrLogicalOperator postscrOperator
- HiLink postscrBinaryOperator postscrOperator
- HiLink postscrDSCComment SpecialComment
- HiLink postscrSpecialChar SpecialChar
- HiLink postscrTodo Todo
- HiLink postscrError Error
- HiLink postscrSpecialCharError postscrError
- HiLink postscrASCII85CharError postscrError
- HiLink postscrHexCharError postscrError
- HiLink postscrIdentifierError postscrError
- delcommand HiLink
- endif
- let b:current_syntax = "postscr"
- " vim: ts=8